About Us

Connecting with Compassionate Care
Cheryl Hulburd MSW RSW CPT RPT/S EMDR Certified (EMDR Approved Consultant) is a Master level Social Worker with Fernie Counselling & Consulting, a private practice in Fernie, BC.
Cheryl is registered with the British Columbia College of Social Workers, a Certified Family Law Mediator from the Vancouver Legal Education Society, a Canadian Certified & US Registered Play Therapist. She is a former Director on the Board of the Canadian Association of Child and Play Therapy, a member Registered for Play Therapy, a member of the British Columbia Association of Social Workers, a member of the US Association for Play Therapy as well as a Certified EMDR Therapist with EMDR Canada & a member of EMDR International Association.
Fernie Counselling & Consulting adheres to the ethical guidelines of confidentiality set forth by the the profession of Social Work.
Introducing Cheryl Hulburd and Fernie Counselling

Meet Our Play Therapy Associates

Betsy & Lucy



Play Therapy Associate’s Certificates
We Can Assist You with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Including



Trauma and Loss

Eating Disorders

Abuse Issues

Stress Reduction




Couples Counselling

Cheryl's Book
Puppet-Assisted Play Therapy ™:
Theory, Research, and Practice
by Cheryl Hulburd
Puppet-Assisted Play Therapy ™ is an innovative and comprehensive approach that significantly advances the field of play therapy. This easy to read, user-friendly book includes history, creative interventions, case studies, the art of puppetry, and the worldwide benefits of puppet-assisted play therapy ™.
"As a play therapist of more than 38 years, I am always looking for creative therapeutic techniques to use in my practice. Hulburd's book offers innovative strategies for directive and non-directive play therapists alike."
Desiree Ingram, MS, LMFT-S, RPT, USA
"Hulburd’s creative approach is brilliant. Puppets connect with children and give them a sense of control in their world. Adding puppets to your toolbox is a win-win for children and families."
Sarah-Jane Nelson, BS RN
Folkmanis Puppet Retailer

Fernie Counselling & Consulting is a Folkmanis Puppets Retailer. Please contact Fernie Counselling & Consulting for more information and quantity pricing.